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  • Category: Insights
     We wanted to know what regular folks think about electric cars (EVs) nowadays. As of early 2024, we checked in with 154 people to see if they like or dislike EVs, and here's what we found.

    20 Feb 2024

    Viewed 721 times

  • Category: Insights
    Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, once said, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast," emphasizing that even if an organization's ideas and strategies are excellent, they become meaningless if the organizational culture is toxic and unsupportive. Core values act as guiding principles to instill focus, unity, and shared beliefs among individuals in the organization. They promote consistent behavior throughout the organization, establishing a common foundation for thinking and practices

    04 Jul 2024

    Viewed 374 times

  • Category: Insights
    The development of future leaders (Successor) Thailand Quality Award Criteria (TQA) discuss the roles and responsibilities of senior leaders (Senior Leader: SL) in several aspects, with one key focus being on creating an environment for success through "succession planning" and the development of future leaders within the organization, including "Career Development" for personnel and future leaders of the organization.

    04 Jul 2024

    Viewed 366 times

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